Google Analytics tracks social media referrals by using UTM parameters. UTM parameters are tags added to the end of a URL that provide additional information about the source of the traffic. When someone clicks on a link with UTM parameters, Google Analytics captures the data and attributes the traffic to the specific source.
To track social media referrals, you need to create a unique UTM parameter for each social media platform or campaign. The UTM parameters typically include the following:
1. Source (utm_source): This identifies the specific social media platform or website that the traffic is coming from, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
2. Medium (utm_medium): This specifies the medium or type of traffic, such as social media, email, or organic search.
3. Campaign (utm_campaign): This allows you to track specific campaigns or promotions within a social media platform.
When someone clicks on a URL with UTM parameters, Google Analytics captures the data and attributes the traffic to the specified source, medium, and campaign. You can then view the data in your Google Analytics account under the "Acquisition" section, specifically the "All Traffic" or "Campaigns" reports.
By tracking social media referrals with UTM parameters, you can gain insights into which social media platforms are driving the most traffic to your website, which campaigns are most effective, and how users are interacting with your content.